Souk Al-Hima Program Overview
Souk Al-Hima is a new program established by SPNL in 2014 aiming to conserve cultural and traditional skills at local communities and to upgrade the livelihood of rural communities within IBBAs/Himas in Lebanon interlinked with natural resources. Through kind contributions from UN Women Fund for Gender equality, OTI USAID fund, and the European Union, SPNL has revived several cultural skills and trained (women &men) to produce local artisanal products linked to their Hima sites habitats, raw material, and globally threatened species. Examples are Armenian needle work and handicrafts from Hima Aanjar, bird houses from West Bekaa, accessories from recycled material (upcycling) from Hima Qoleileh/Mansouri, pins for threatened birds and wildlife, handmade car and different conservation and informative guides.
Souk Al Hima Outlets
SPNL has already started with the marketing initiative, whereby several fixed outlets have been established and used to market Souk Al Hima products:
SPNL HQ in Hamra, Beirut.
Mount Lebanon Hima Center in Kayfoun, Mount Lebanon.
Al Hima International Center in Kherbet Kanafar, West Bekaa.